"Divorce" 女 star regretting getting married only seeing male jobs [Look @ Japan]


"Divorce" 女 star regretting getting married only seeing male…

nxrls 0 31 01.22 20:11
The Japanese singer Makiyo, who got divorced in July last year, got married on a whimHe said he regretted it, causing regret.Recently, Makiyo was on the show "Little Star Big"Through 'Followers', he confessed his reasons for divorce from his ex-husband. Makiyo isWhen he proposed, he didn't want to get married, but his family and his surroundingsPeople had no choice but to agree because they expected it. At that time, my family also liked himI thought I had a job."But after we got married, Makiyo said that her ex-husband's work wasI found out that I had no sense of responsibility for my family, which my ex didn't want to hearWhen I heard the sound, I confessed that I was going to give up my job. Even if a child catches a coldHe's been out of touch for four days, and everyone didn't know where he wasI confessed.Makiyo, who dreamed of a stable, normal family, wrote a divorce contract, and as soon as her ex got homeHe confessed that he asked for his signature immediately. Makillo actually wants to divorce her ex-husband, tooThe reason why I didn't come home for 4 days because I told them, I got divorcedI thought it was to do it, and my husband recalled that he quietly signed it.On the other hand, singer MakilloAfter knowing my ex for about a year, May 2022She announced her marriage and gave birth to a son in October of the same year. But in November 2022, MakiyogaRumors of divorce erupted by lashing out at her husband through live streaming on Facebook. Makiyo said that her husbandAfter smoking, I didn't wash my hands and didn't cut my nailsI carried the baby around, forcefully fed my newborn son until he vomited,I'm already full, but I want to drink about 3.5L of water to get slimmerHe revealed that he forced him to do so.Photo = Makiyo Social Media


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